There are several emails and system messages that are standard in Graphite Connect. This page also details which emails or messages can be modified to meet specific business requirements.
Below shows email communications sent to (1) Buyers and (2) Suppliers.
1. Buying Entity Communications
Pop-up message to a Requester that the NSJ was submitted
* Can be modified, but cannot be customized per use case/scenario
Approval needed emails
* Cannot be modified
Supplier is Non-Responsive to Invitation email
* This cannot be customized
This email is sent to the Business Owner on calendar days 2, 7, and 15.
Message to Task Owners that review is pending
* Cannot be customized. By default, this will be sent for all standard topic review tasks. Can be customized to send this email for additional workflow approvals.
Message to Business Owner once onboarding is complete
* This cannot be customized
Message to Requester when update requests are completed
* These cannot be customized
Supplier Information Update request
2. Supplier Communications
Initial Invitation
* Can be customized for English only. See translated invitation details >
This email is cobranded. By default, the logo used is the one associated with the customer profile. However, a single custom logo can be uploaded. This custom logo replaces the standard profile avatar for all cobranded emails.
Day 2 Reminder (*optional)
This email is cobranded. It is used to elicit a better response from the supplier to alleviate concerns about spam onboarding emails. If used, it will be sent to Supplier, Business Owner & an internal email identified by the customer for auto-response.
Invitation Reminders - Option 1
* These cannot be customized
This reminder sequence is the default for all customer configurations. This reminder sequence does not explicitly say that payments will be impacted by non-compliance.
First reminder - business day 3
Second reminder - business day 5
Third reminder - business day 10
Invitation Reminders - Option 2
* These cannot be customized
We provide an option for customers who prefer a reminder sequence that explicitly states that payments will be impacted by non-compliance. Please contact your Implementation Manager or Customer Success Manager for this update.
These reminders are sent on business day 3, day 5, and day 10.
Bank Approval Emails
* These cannot be customized
Sent to 2nd authorized user
Sent to user who made the update
In-app confirmation to Supplier after survey submission
* Can be modified, but cannot be customized per use case/scenario
Message to Supplier when a profile update is required
* This cannot be modified