Messaging in Graphite Connect

  • Updated

Messaging in Graphite Connect allows you to quickly communicate directly with your team or with your connections. Graphite Connect users report a passion for the messaging feature because it reduces email and consolidates all communication into one platform.

Sending messages

Messages are attached to topics or individual questions. When you need to communicate about a topic or question, hover over that item and the system will reveal an ellipses option button. Click on the ellipses and select messages to reveal the messaging feature.

Topic owners from both sides of the connection are listed in the “participants” dropdown. The message you send will be received by the topic owners or anyone mentioned in the message.

When sending messages you can @ tag any user to mention them, ensuring the mentioned user will see the message. A tag will also send a notification email to the user. You can also @ mention any user groups or topic owners. Doing so will send the message to all who own the topic or belong to the particular group. You can send text or files through the message by typing or selecting the attachment buttons respectively.

Messages Page

Selecting the message tab in the top navigation will take you to the Messages Page. Here you can see all messages and emails from all your connections. You can view, edit, or delete messages from this page, or you can follow the link to see where in the profile the message was posted.

Use the search bar to find a message. If you want to see communication about a specific topic, you can filter by all topics with the dropdown. You can also filter by users that have been messaged by your organization.

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