Say Good-Bye to Redundant Questionnaires and Get Down to Business Faster
Supplier vetting is a top concern for your customers. But do you ever feel like you’ve just finished one onboarding survey before the next one pops up in your inbox? And it asks the same questions?
Frustrating, isn’t it?
The right network can help you cut back on redundant work and keep your business running at top speed.
Benefits of a Central Network
Consider these five benefits of joining a network built specifically for buyers and suppliers:
- Connect with more buyers in less time. The information is all right there in one place in a central network.
- Answer once, share many times. Move from managing multiple emails and spreadsheets to a single business profile that you can share endlessly with thousands of connected buyers.
- Get down to business quicker. Save time and money by joining a network that will validate key data, including your TIN, W-9/W-8, OFAC, bank routing and more.
- Be discovered by thousands of companies. Be visible to potential buyers looking for your services and products across the network.
- Take control of your own data. Select a network that allows you to manage your company profile and choose which customers have access to sensitive tax and bank data.
Graphite offers all of these perks and is FREE of charge to suppliers.
Get ready to do business with new partners in days instead of months.