Bitsight Integration

  • Updated

Bitsight offers real-time insights into information security for your suppliers, ensuring you stay ahead of supply chain attacks, zero-day vulnerabilities, and other cyber threats. With Bitsight’s Continuous Monitoring, you can actively manage risk within your vendor ecosystem.

This article will walk you through the type of data Bitsight provides, how to configure the integration, and accessing Bitsight data within Graphite.

Note: To utilize this integration, you must maintain a separate subscription directly with Bitsight.

What type of data does Bitsight provide?

Bitsight offers comprehensive insights into a supplier’s risk and vulnerabilities across their domains. This includes information on compromised systems, user behavior, public disclosures, and diligence reports. These detailed reports empower you to make informed decisions regarding your vendor ecosystem and proactively mitigate risks.

Integration capabilities

Graphite's Bitsight integration has a few key automation capabilities built in, allowing your team to harness and review risk quicker.

Automatic linking: Graphite can automatically link suppliers to the relevant Bitsight entity during the connection process. This is done by using the supplier's website domain as answered in the Summary topic.

Push to folders and tiers: Graphite can automatically push suppliers to Bitsight folders or tiers based on your organization's requirements. This capability requires a complete map of your Bitsight folder structure and the Graphite answer responses that trigger categorization. 

Settings and configurations

To begin, ensure you have a valid license key from Bitsight and have coordinated with your customer success manager to activate the feature. Once ready, navigate to the Integrations page within the Admin section of Graphite. Locate the Bitsight integration table row and access the settings. Here, you can input your API key and customize which data will be displayed according to your preferences.

How to view Bitsight data

Bitsight data for a connection is conveniently accessible within the Information Security topic in the connection profile. Simply expand the Information Security section to view an overview of your supplier's security status. Click on the Bitsight row to expand the blade of information to get more detailed information.  If you wish to explore a supplier’s full report, click the “Full Report” button to seamlessly navigate to the Bitsight portal.



For further assistance or inquiries about this integration, don’t hesitate to reach out to or contact your customer success manager.

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