Slack notifications can be set up in the Communication Preferences page in Graphite Connect, allowing users to select which notifications they want to receive and whether they want to receive them through email, Slack, or both.
To set up a Slack integration, consult your Customer Success Manager to turn on the feature for your organization.
Graphite Task Notifications in Slack
Any task assigned to a user with Slack notifications turned on in their user preferences will be notified via the Slack app bot. The slack message will detail:
Task creator
Task Title
Task Description (what needs to be done)
Start date
Due date
Link directly to the task in Graphite
Tasks assigned to groups will send a notification to all users in the group.
Graphite Approval Notifications in Slack
Any approval assigned to a user with Slack notifications turned on in their user preferences will be notified via the Slack app bot. The slack message will detail:
Approval creator
Approval Title
Approval Description (what needs to be done)
Due date
Note if approval has attachment (simple “Has attached documents” if true)
Button to Approve
Button to Deny
Button for Non-applicable
Link directly to the approval in Graphite
Approving will pop open a Slack modal requiring the user to add approval notes and optional documents upload. Approvals assigned to groups will send a notification to all users in the group.