Buyers guide to Topic Reviews

  • Updated

Overview Video

Watch a short overview video about topic reviews.

What you need to know

Graphite Connect lets you trigger Topic (risk) Reviews for any topic within the company profile. This customization makes it easy to focus on what matters most to compliance teams. Additionally, you can create reviews based on products, either individually or in groups, to correctly assess supplier risk.

Whenever a Topic Review is triggered, all topic owners will be notified.


Track your outstanding Topic Reviews on your task list

Track outstanding Topic Reviews on your task list. These topic review tasks link directly to the topic that must be reviewed.



Review high-risk answers and ask clarifying questions

Topic Reviews are unique to each topic, enabling companies to assign risk and compliance reviews to specific teams.

Graphite Connect makes identification of both high- and low-risk answers simple, so you can easily review areas of concern and ask any questions via in-app messaging. All of your assessments are notated directly on the supplier profile, so information about a past review is always available.




Complete the topic review

Once you are ready to complete your assessment, click “Edit” and fill in the fields with the appropriate information.

At this point, you can take “ownership” of this task, meaning no other topic owners will receive notifications and tasks related to this topic review for the duration of the assessment.

For topics that can be reviewed at the products and services level, you can select one or multiple products and services to which your review applies.

If you require business approval, simply select the person who should be notified of this request. They will be prompted to complete the associated task.


If a rescreen is necessary, the system will automatically select a date for a future topic review based on your company settings. This date is editable, but Graphite will always select a default date to ensure the rescreen is scheduled, so you never have to worry about missing a topic review again.

Once all required fields are complete, you can select “Complete Review”, at which point the task will be removed from your dashboard.

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