Graphite Connect checks every new company against multiple sanctions lists upon profile creation. This check is re-run every 90 days and will alert you if one of your suppliers is newly identified as being on one of these lists.
If one of your suppliers is a potential match to a business on a sanctions list, an Ethics & Integrity review will be triggered and assigned to the appropriate team member.
Department of Treasury, Office of Foreign Assets Control:
Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC SDN/PLC)
Foreign Financial Institutions Subj. 561/CAPTA List
Iranian Sanctions Act List
Sectoral Sanctions Identifications List
Palestinian Legislative Council List
Ukraine-Russia Related Sanctions List
Department of Commerce (DOC):
Denied Persons List (DPL)
Bureau of Industry and Security, Unverified List
Bureau of Industry and Security, Entity List
Department of Treasury:
IRS FATCA GIIN List, IRS Exempt Organizations List
Consolidated Sanctions List
General Services Administration (GSA):
Excluded Parties List System (EPLS)
Department of Health & Human Services (HHS):
Office of the Inspector General (OIG), Excluded Individuals and Entities (LEIE)
Central Intelligence Agency:
Politically Exposed Persons (foreign diplomats)
Department of State:
Designated Foreign Terrorist Organizations
Directorate of Defense Trade Controls, Arms Export Control Act List
US Commodity Future Trading Commission:
Administrative Sanctions
Reparations Sanctions
Government of Canada Justice Laws:
Consolidated Regulations
Special Economic Measures Act
Freezing Assets of Corrupt Foreign Officials Act
Other lists:
Foreign Sanctions Evaders (FSE) List
European Union External Action Service, EU Sanctions List
Anti-Terrorism Financing
Anti-Terrorism Financing Entities
Iran-Syria Nonproliferation Act
United Nations Consolidated
From the Federal Bureau of Investigation:
Most Wanted Terrorists
White Collar Crimes
Additional Violent Crimes
Crime Alerts
Crimes Against Children
Cyber Crimes
Criminal Enterprise Investigations
Domestic Terrorism
Seeking Information
Seeking Terror Information
Top Ten Fugitives
Violent Crimes - Murders
To learn more about what each list entails, view the US Treasury site: