Operational Reporting

  • Updated

This article has features included in the release on Sept 6th, 2023

What you need to know

Paying customers have access to Operational Reports within Graphite Connect for all users with the Professional experience. Please contact your Customer Success Manager for more details on how to enable this feature for your company.

Reporting data and infographics show up in two places: the homepage and the Reports page. The homepage will show a small overview of reporting statistics based on your permissions. 



The first graph on the left of Onboarding statistics shows the average time it took for a supplier to onboard, broken out weekly. The next metrics within the Onboarding Statistics is the average time for suppliers to complete the separate connections stages within the last month. Additionally, there is a breakdown of suppliers within those connection stages showing total, at risk (near SLA deadline), and overdue (past SLA). 

For Topic reporting on the homepage the metrics first show what is the SLA for your topic. The next statistic shows the average days taken per topic review in the last 30 days. Finally, the number of reviews completed in the last 30 days is shown. On the right side of the blade of content is a bar graph, showing upcoming reviews (or risk rescreens) broken up into 30 day segments.


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The Reports page will show general onboarding and logistics information. You can create other reports as needed or push your data to your preferred reporting software with implementation assistance from your customer success manager.


Note: These reports are designed for trend analysis for operational statistics, stage duration, and SLA. These reports do not provide a drill-down analysis of any outstanding tasks.


Which users get to see reporting?

For the homepage, any users of a company with Reporting turned on, and has system permissions (i.e. topic ownership or admin), will see a blade of content showing onboarding statistics. Topic owners will be shown statistics about the topics that they have ownership over and admins will see all topic statistics. 

The reporting page (and top navigation) is only present for users with system permissions. This means general users with no system permissions will not be able to access or view Reporting. 


Available details

Total Invitations Sent – A count of all invitations sent to the supplier during the selected period. This does not include any invitations started but not sent and it filters out any invitations that have since been deleted. If the filter is set to the current year this will show the count of invites in which the connection moved to "Accept" in the current year.

Please note, the Advanced Filter uses different terminology that the associated field in the Export or the API.

In advanced filters Invite Sent Date
In Excel or API Accept start date


Total Connected – Count of suppliers in the "Connected" stage, this filters out any connections that have since been disconnected.

The date filter refers to the date that the invite was sent and not the date that they connected. For example: If the filter is set to the current year this will show the count of suppliers invited in the current year in which the stage is equal to connected.

Suppliers are considered "connected" when this field is not null. Connect complete date


Total SLA Met – This is the percentage of suppliers with an onboarding time that is less than the set SLA, this filters out any suppliers that have since been disconnected and does not include suppliers that still haven’t completed the onboarding process.

The date filter refers to the date that the invite was sent and not the date that the onboarding was completed. For example: If the filter is set to the current year this will show the percentage of suppliers that met the SLA that were invited in the current year.


Onboarding Average Days – Average days from all suppliers starting from when the invite was sent to when the connect stage was finished, this filters out any suppliers that have since been disconnected and does not include suppliers that still haven’t completed the onboarding process.

The date filter refers to the date that the invite was sent and not the date that the onboarding was completed. For example: If the filter is set to the current year this will show the average onboarding days of all suppliers that were invited in the current year.


Onboarding SLA Goal in Days – The sum of the SLA goal of all stages. This is configurable.


New Connections Overview – The number of completed and pending invitations sent per month. Pending connections include connections awaiting either the supplier’s action or internal action. This looks at suppliers that have a “connect” complete date vs the ones that don't, and groups them by the month in which the invitation was sent. This filters out any suppliers that have since been disconnected

The date filter refers to the date that the invite was sent. For example: If the filter is set to the current year this will show all suppliers invited this year grouped by month.


Onboarding Overview – This chart is intended to highlight trends month over month and displays the average number of days it takes to get through the Invite, Review, and Connect stages, broken down by month. This filters out any suppliers that have since been disconnected and does not include suppliers that still haven’t completed the onboarding process.

The date filter on this filters the date that the invite was sent. For example: If the filter is set to the current year this will show the average days for each stage of suppliers invited this year grouped by month.


Supplier Locale – Count of invited suppliers by country, this filters out any suppliers that have since been disconnected and suppliers that don’t have a country set up yet.

The date filter refers to the date that the invitation was sent. For example: If the filter is set to the current year this will show the count of invites by country in which the invitation was sent in the current year.


Invite Stage Average Days – This data is a drill-down of the Onboarding Overview focused on the Invite stage. This highlights the average length of time for suppliers to submit their information for formal review after the invitation email has been sent to the supplier. This filters out any suppliers that have since been disconnected and does not include suppliers that still haven’t completed the onboarding process.

There are two charts in this section. One is an average for the total time of the selected date filter and the other is an average per month with an overlay of the SLA for this stage.

The date filter refers to the date that the invite was sent. For example: If the filter is set to the current year this will show the average days for all suppliers invited this year.

Please note, these dates are only available in the Export or the API.

Start Date Accept start date
End Date Collaborate start date


Review Stage Average Days – This data is a drill-down of the Onboarding Overview focused on the Review stage. This highlights the average length of time to complete topic review tasks, such as Ethics & Integrity, Data Privacy, Information Security, etc. This filters out deleted and disconnected suppliers and suppliers that haven’t completed the onboarding process yet. 

There are two charts in this section. One is an average for the total time of the selected date filter and the other is an average per month with an overlay of the SLA for this stage.

The date filter refers to the date that the invite was sent. For example: If the filter is set to the current year this will show the average days for all suppliers invited this year.

Please note, these dates are only available in the Export or the API.

Start Date Collaborate start date
End Date Connect start date


Connect Stage Average Days –  This data is a drill-down of the Onboarding Overview focused on the Connect stage. This highlights the length of time it takes to complete ERP connection data tasks or any other tasks that are included in the Connect stage. This filters out deleted and disconnected suppliers and suppliers that haven’t completed the onboarding process yet. 

There are two charts in this section. One is an average for the total time of the selected date filter and the other is an average per month with an overlay of the SLA for this stage.

The date filter refers to the date that the invite was sent. For example: If the filter is set to the current year this will show the average days for all suppliers invited this year.

Please note, the Connect Start Date is only available in the Export or the API.

Start Date Connect start date
End Date Connect complete date


Validations Average Days – This data is a drill-down into the average number of days for Validation tasks completed by Graphite Support, this filters out deleted and incomplete tasks.

There are two charts in this section. One is an average for the total time of the selected date filter and the other is an average per month, with an overlay of the number of validation tasks created and an overlay for the expected SLA.

The date filter refers to the date that the invite was sent. For example: If the filter is set to the current year this will show the average days for all suppliers invited this year.


Learn more about what fields are available for reporting >

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